“Introduction to Restorative Justice”

Interested in learning about the principles of restorative justice and what role it can serve in the community?

Thursday, May 9, 2024 - 4PM to 8PM COST: $25

  • This 4 hour overview aims to provide a working knowledge of the basics for those who work or volunteer in schools, faith communities, community corrections, law enforcement, or youth development settings.

“Facilitator Training for Conferencing”

Seeking to become a trained facilitator to work alongside harmed community members and those who caused harm?

Thursday, May 9th, 4pm to 8pm

Friday, May 10th, 4pm to 8pm

Saturday, May 11th, 8am to 4pm

Cost: $100

  • Along with a comprehensive overview of the principles and roles for restorative justice, training will include role playing and skill development sufficient to facilitate basic diversion or court-referred cases involving both youth offenders, victimized parties, support persons and community members. Emphasis is placed on how to prepare involved parties for joint meetings and how facilitators can create space for respectful, heart-felt, party-to-party dialogue. A 40-page manual is provided which includes step-by-step instructions, best practices, scripts for communication with parties, scenarios and how they can be best approached, FAQs, etc.

    At the completion of training, attendees will be prepared to: facilitate cases with an experienced co-facilitator, serve as a surrogate victim or community member in a restorative conference, more effectively introduce and refer persons experiencing harm or subject to criminal justice proceedings to restorative programming.

* Registrations are limited and interest is high. Cost of training subsidized by the Carl & Verna Schmidt Foundation

Trainer: led by Ted Lewis, senior trainer for the University of Minnesota, Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking. Learn more about Ted’s work here: https://rjp.d.umn.edu/training/ted-lewis-trainings

Location: 400 5th Ave SW, Rochester, MN 55902 (inside Christ United Methodist Church)

Have questions? email us at info@trrj.org